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Amplifying Stories of Women, Art, & Politics


“Makers” is a podcast series featuring six local female artists answering the basic question “Does art have the power to make political change?”  The interviewed artists practice a variety of artistic mediums including theater, music, graphic design, dance, and film.  In the podcast, each woman speaks of her experiences as a female artist, of her opinions of the legitimacy of political art, and of her position as a woman in a male-dominated political society.  We speak about the strength of storytelling, the power of politicians versus artists, and the vulnerability of artistic expression. The research culminates in a podcast product that acts as inspiration and activism for other women while also providing a platform for artists often silenced or underestimated. The driving intentions of my senior project are to answer personal questions I have about the power of art, to glean wisdom from female artists I respect, and to provide a pertinent podcast for anyone who’s contemplated the potential for art to create social movement.